Finom unites with Salt Edge to boost European SME PSD2 compliance

B2B fintech Finom has united with Salt Edge to expand the reach of open banking solutions seeking to leverage PSD2 possibilities for SMEs and professionals all over Europe.

The Dutch company combines accounting, financial management and banking functions for early-stage businesses, SMEs, and freelancers looking to bolster their growth during a challenging period. 

Supported by Salt Edge’s PSD2 Compliance solution, Finom is leveraging PSD2 possibilities for its customers as they benefit from sharing account information. 

Ivo Dimitrov, Co-Founder of Finom, commented: “Finom is now growing steadily, gaining over 3,000 new clients every month and reaching a growth rate that has taken other fintech players several years. 

“That’s why we’ve needed to have by our side a partner that would match us at this pace. And Salt Edge was able to always deliver it. There is huge untapped market potential in the European Union in regards to financial services for SMEs, and we already see how open banking-powered services will bring ways to help customers in managing their businesses.”

The solution has also successfully passed an external audit on its compliance with PSD2, RTS requirements, and Berlin Group technical standards. 

Andrei Scutari, Country Manager at Salt Edge, added: “Having an efficient and reliable PSD2 compliance implementation, Finom can quickly respond to customers’ needs, leaving the burdens of TPPs technical integration, portal maintenance, and support to us. Our goal is to assist Finom to provide flawless open banking capabilities in the fastest possible way.”