Malta’s gambling expert Bezzina to co-chair GREF’s AML approach


The Gambling Regulators European Forum (GREF) has announced its latest appointment to its AML working group as Rachel Bezzina becomes Malta Gaming Authority’s (MGA) AML Manager.

With her new role at GREF, Bezzina will undertake co-chair responsibility duties alongside Christophe Vidal from the French National Gambling Authority (ANJ). 

At its core, GREF represents a collective of EU gaming regulators which serves as a meeting point to discuss various gaming issues across the continent, specifically regarding regulation, supervision and control of operators.

The newly-established AML working group that is part of GREF will set out to create a rift of information between members to better protect gaming businesses from exploitation that leads to money laundering and terrorist financing.

AML experts will cooperate by exchanging various best practices, trends and developments, creating a collaborative approach that leads to taking joint action.

This working group is the fifth such created by GREF, preceded by Responsible Gambling, Digital & Innovation, InfoStat, and Enforcement.