Whether you’re trying to become the next Jay-Z, the next Katy Perry or you just pop the radio and singalong, music is undeniably a vital aspect to society – as are payments.
So we here at Payment Expert decided to reach out to industry figures to see what music means to them and hopefully help everyone “learn to treat life to the best, put stress to rest.”
This week John Marsden (iovation, Director EMEA) reminisces about the days of cassette players and reveals his love for Red Red Wine.
PE: You’re entering a packed arena, what song blasts out?
Marsden: I truly believe that everyday should be the greatest I’ve ever known!
Say I’m entering a boxing ring, I want the crowd to know I’m going to put on the best show possible. Also this was my first song at my wedding.
PE: What one song gets you in the mood for a boogie?
Marsden: This is the type of song that grabs you quickly into a beat and it’s hard not to bob along with. Perfect mix of lyrical excellence combined with a strong party message.
PE: What song would you consider a guilty pleasure?
Marsden: Love this song, probably a bit too much if I’m being honest. I really can’t sing it but that doesn’t seem to stop me once I hear the intro (much to the distaste of anyone in earshot!)
PE: What typifies your lazy Sunday?
Marsden: It’s not so chilled but my Sunday’s need a beat and I’ve always got two shoes for dancing. The Cat Empire suit sunny down time every time.
PE: What song reminds you of your childhood?
Marsden: I have loads of childhood songs that evoke strong memories, but this track’s longevity has interwoven throughout my life, yet still makes me remember listening to a cassette personal stereo on an away day super saver ticket (Mersey Transport) on the top of the bus, my home town sliding past the window.
PE: And finally, what’s your go to karaoke song? Don’t worry… we won’t be asking for a recording!
Marsden: Firstly, it’s deep enough for me to sound as if I can sing, secondly, I can actually perform the rapping bits which most people have never heard – a drunk crowd loves it.
Keep in mind though, never put me on first!